Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How to Forward Email Properly

This article is a reprint from

A friend who is a computer expert received the following directly from a system administrator for a corporate system. It is an excellent message that ABSOLUTELY applies to ALL of us who send e-mails. Please read the short letter below, even if you're sure you already follow proper procedures.

Do you really know how to forward e-mails? 50% of us do; 50% DO NOT.

Do you wonder why you get viruses or junk mail? Do you hate it?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How do you go about MLM lead generation?

This is a good question to ask before you spend any money on MLM lead generation choices needed in building your MLM business.

Why would you want to go about MLM lead generation in the first place?

Over the years the MLM business has gotten a black eye because of the over hyped promises of money and freedom. Very few people have ever achieved a high level of success in any MLM business. And even fewer have ever been able to maintain the level of achievements over a period of time.

That does not make MLM companies bad. Nor does it make the opportunities they afford the average person as ways to make extra money or even as a way to drastically change your lifestyle.

MLM lead generation is the way to do it.

There are 2 big benefits of MLM lead generation:

  1. It gets you away from approaching your friends and relatives. If you have been in more than one MLM business over the years you may have already approached them and used up your credibility when you were unsuccessful.
  2. MLM lead generation is a duplicable way to build your business that you can pass on to your downline. Any successful network marketing business will tell you that one of the main components of success is duplication. Anyone can buy leads and work them over the phone or through the internet with the use of an autoresponder.
Now that you understand some of the benefits of buying MLM lead generation and how to market them, let us now take a look at the characteristics
of the best MLM lead generation result.

  1. How many times are the leads sold? Many MLM lead companies sell their leads over and over. You will be contacting a prospect that has already been marketed to. Typically, you would want to have leads that are exclusively yours.
  2. How old are the leads? Would you rather contact a prospect that has expressed an interest in the past 48 hours or in the past 48 days? Being able to strike while the iron is hot, so to speak, is a great benefit of a fresh MLM leads.
  3. How many leads do you get for your money? Obviously the more MLM leads you have generated, the more leads you can buy at a time. This is especially important when you are first starting or when you are helping your downline get started.
  4. What is the quality of the lead? Nothing compares to an effective MLM lead generation that contains both a phone number and email address along with a few qualifying answers to questions like "How much can you invest to get started" or "How soon do you want to get started" or When is the best time to contact you?".
If a prospect is answering these types of questions, you are getting a much better quality lead than if you just have a name and email address.

5. What is the response rate? This will improve as your skill level at working your MLM lead generation improves. But the fresher higher quality leads will give you a better response rate even when your skill level is low.

These are some of the best MLM lead generation qualities. Be careful when choosing a place to get your leads.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Top 15 Marketing FAQ

Greetings, and welcome to the top fifteen quick-fire question and answers section. Throughout this area we're going to take fifteen of the most popular questions asked by online marketers, put them in a list, and answer them in the quickest possible way. The reason I wanted to get this in here, is because in many cases, it's not rare to see people who haven't reached their goals relating to online business, going from guide to guide, posting in forums asking these very general questions. More often than not, they're either ignored, people try to sell them stuff claiming this to be the big answer they've been looking for, or the answers they receive are just not straight forward enough and go off on tangents, don't give the full story or even deviate from the original question altogether. I remember when I first started out, I was asking a lot of questions, gaining as much insight from anyone I could find. The frustrating thing was not only did I rarely get an answer of any substance that I could act on, but I can see now that half of it was total waffle anyway. It was almost like nobody actually knew the answers to what I was asking. And so, I present you with the top fifteen quick fire Q&A section, which will remove all the frustrations of not getting straight answers about, what are in my eyes, a mix of the top fifteen needs of marketers, coupled with what seem to be the most asked and least best answered questions. I hope this will make things a lot clearer for you.

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